Thursday, July 23, 2015

Where can I get Security Products?

We Recommend: 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Insurance Agents do well with our company...

International company (based in Austria) seeks representatives to expand in USA.

If you are someone who is coachable, and believes in building a business both steady and strong, that you can be proud of and realize steady residual income for the rest of your life (with other built in bonuses), you may be a fit for our company.

We are going to help 6 people help to help 6 others to become profitable within 4 months. No worries if you haven’t been in management positions before; as long as you are coachable, we will train you. Together we will build your business strong in such a way that your income will never go downward. Within 4 months you will earn about $4500 and this will set a strong foundation to continue; it just gets better (exponentially) from there.

People who do well with our company are teachers, managers, insurance agents, and sales people, but with our coaching and training we believe anyone can succeed.

Want to see if you qualify to be on our team?
Do these two things to get started:

Step 1. Watch a video at: (take notes).

Step 2. Call toll free 24/7 message center: 888-241-4031. Leave your name, phone number, and email address (slowly, clearly and then repeat all three).

Then state that you want 1 or all 3:
1.      a free shopping card (you save money when you use at both big box stores and small “mom & pop” stores locally and around the world),
2.      you want information on marketing for us, and/or
3.      you want to assist in setting up business accounts.

Your interest level will dictate what direction we’ll take from there, either to get you more information or get you on a 3 way call with our national sales manager to determine your future with our company.

PS. When we respond to your call we will let you know if we have a group of six already and if so, we will place you in the next training group of six. 

PSS. Professionals and "busy" people really like our business because they can build it part-time and when it is built, it stays built!!!

Have your own dedicated lawyer serving you and your entire family for a very low monthly membership fee.

Everyone Deserves Legal Protection

At LegalShield, we’ve been offering legal plans for 40 years, creating a world where everyone can access legal protection - and everyone can afford it. Unexpected legal questions arise every day and with LegalShield on your side, you’ll have access to a high-quality law firm for as little as $20 a month. From real estate to document review, speeding tickets to will preparation, and more, our attorneys are here to advise you with any legal matter - no matter how traumatic or how trivial it may seem. Our law firms are paid in advance so their sole focus is on serving you, rather than billing you. With our legal plan you will be protected and empowered to worry less and live more.

CLICK HERE OR ON IMAGE ABOVE to learn more about products, services or to become an agent. 

Terry Scott, Insurance Agent Offers Dental Insurance; If you need it...

Dental Insurance

Should you choose to have dental insurance?

In a moment I will share a link that seems to share an unbiased view of whether or not one should have insurance. My thoughts are that if you typically just have your two visits per year, that you should set aside in your savings a set amount to pay for your yearly visits; about $400 per person should be enough. You could also work out a plan with your dental professional to have money come out of your account each month which goes into their coffers creating a balance for you to use when your checkups come up. And because your dentist has this money (although it may be a small amount) to use between visits, you could get some type of discount on services. This has worked real well as arrangements with auto mechanics and other types of needs that come up regularly. Just be sure that this arrangement is known by your heirs so they can retrieve any balance you may leave when you pass on.

Now, if you are not a disciplined saver you may consider a “forced savings” program by getting insurance coverage. The other reason why you might consider having dental insurance is when you will “use” it. By this I mean; the big stuff, root canals, etc. etc. No one likes pain and having the money to get your teeth taken care of the moment you need it, is like a Godsend. Understand though that you’ll pay more for a policy that offers these to pay for these “premier” charges and also there usually is a duration you’ll pay for the insurance before it will pay for such things; it all has to make sense in the math so that the insurance company also makes a profit for providing this service.

As an insurance agent (Life and Health) I offer dental insurance in many states and we can work over the phone and Internet. Please contact me at the email and phone number provided on this page.

Now here is the article I promised. It’s by Bankrate and I think it is very good. CLICKHERE

If you have questions or comments, please leave them at the end of this article.

Make it a great day!
Terry (Ter) Scott

Want to get Terry Scott’s newest eBook: Insurance Wise? Buy it on Amazon or get it here at no cost: (If the page or link doesn’t open, please request it at: tlsinsuranceagentAT(replace with)

Friday, July 17, 2015

Terry Scott Life Insurance Agent shows link to Win a Ford Car

I hope all are having a great summer. It's been a while since I've been here but I've been out enjoying life. Here's a way that you could win just about any style Ford vehicle you'd want. CLICK HERE FOR CHANCE TO WIN A FORD.

Ter Scott! 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Supreme Court says: Consumers will continue to receive quality affordable health care coverage

The Supreme Court Decision

This morning the Supreme Court made an important decision about the Health Insurance Marketplace. Their ruling means that consumers will continue to receive quality affordable health care coverage no matter where they live.

Consumers may have questions about what today’s decision meant for their lives. For consumers getting their coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, this means that nothing has changed.

Please like our Facebook Page by Clicking Here. 

I purchased health insurance from the Health Insurance Marketplace or

Great news! Your affordable quality coverage has not changed. The Supreme Court has confirmed that if you qualify, you can still get financial help to lower the costs of your health care no matter where you live. This means that consumers in every state will continue to be eligible for premium tax credits, lowering the average consumer’s costs by $272 each month.

So, nothing has changed for you. You can still use your health insurance as long as you continue to pay your bills.

As a reminder, tell the Marketplace about any changes to your household, income, and insurance status to get the most accurate tax credit.

I have health insurance through my employer or purchased it on the individual market.

While the Supreme Court case did not directly impact you, you are probably already benefiting from increased financial and health security because of the health care law. These provisions include: banning discriminatory practices such as denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions and dropping people from coverage when they get sick; guaranteeing access to insurance when you change jobs , lose a job, or strike out on your own; providing better benefits like guaranteed access to free preventive care; preventing medical bankruptcy by banning annual caps on coverage of essential benefits and requiring new annual limits on out-of-pocket costs; improvements in the care you receive through incentives that promote quality of care and time spent between patients and doctors; and allowing young adults to stay on their family's plan.

I don't have health insurance.

Visit or call 1-800-318-2596 to see if you can still get coverage for 2015. You may qualify for a special enrollment period due to a life change like marriage, having a baby, or losing other coverage.

The Supreme Court confirmed that if you qualify, you can receive financial assistance, including a premium tax credit, to make coverage more affordable no matter where you live. On average, consumers enrolled in the Marketplace are receiving $3,260 per year in tax credits, or $272 each month. About 8 in 10 consumers could find coverage for $100 or less with tax credits through the Marketplace.

The Open Enrollment period for 2015 is over. Open Enrollment for 2016 starts on November 1, 2015.

You may also be eligible for Medicaid or your family could be eligible for the Children's Health Program (CHIP). There is no deadline to enroll so if you qualify, it's never too late to get coverage. Medicaid and CHIP provide free or low-cost health coverage to millions of Americans, including some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. People qualify for these programs based on their household size, income, and other factors, like age and disability. When you fill out your application you'll find out if you and your family qualify. Visit or your State Medicaid office for more information.

Remember that ACA pays the doctors, we pay you! 
Find out how, call us today. 888-241-4031