Thursday, October 23, 2014

Be careful to get the MA type plan that you want and need; some come with a drug plan and some do not...

This blog is a courtesy and service to my insurance clients in MN/WI but also includes generic information for people in other states; everyone is welcome here and your comments and questions are welcome too. If you reside in a state other than MN/WI and would like to know of a reputable agent in your area, ask me and if I can refer someone, I will.

Today I want to share something from the insurance news.

Per United Health Care (UHC). a number of their consumers are being enrolled into UnitedHealthcare Essential plans that are Medicare Advantage (“MA”) only and do not include drug coverage.  However, customers believe they have drug coverage and attempt to fill a prescription.  Once they discover the plan does not have drug coverage they consequently, submit a complaint to CMS.

Important Reminders:

The UnitedHealthcare plans that typically do not include drug coverage have the term “Essentials” in the product brand name such as the following.

o   AARP MedicareComplete Choice Essential

o   AARP MedicareComplete Essential

o   AARP MedicareComplete Plus Essential

o   UnitedHealthcare MedicareDirect Essential

These plans are great plans, but as a consumer, just be aware of what plan you are enrolling in. If you want a separate plan for drugs or to combine a drug plan, either way may suit your needs.  

·         Always check the benefit information included in the plan Enrollment Guide for final confirmation of whether drug coverage is included or not.

·         Always ask to see which plans available for in a particular market (market meaning your age, and geographical area.

By the way, this is a common thing to watch for regardless of which company you choose to be insured by. UHC is just being proactive here.

Are you interested in saving money with your health care? Here's a smart alternative to healthcare services; programs that will save you thousands of dollars. Check out this video at "Walk in, present your card and watch your savings".